My Story

The magic started for me when I was in high school taking my first photography class. I remember being in the dark room, watching a photo of my brother and dog appear before my eyes in the developing tray. Pure magic! From that one moment I was hooked.
I’ve been working as a photographer since the mid-eighties, when I took my first job shooting pictorial church directories. Photographing family after family was hard work, truly in the trenches of my field, but it was also a great way to grow. I learned a lot about working with people as a photographer from planning the shot to executing the perfect image. It also taught me about workflow, planning, and delivering on a large-scale project.
The passion of that first photography class and the knowledge I’ve gained over the years combine in the work I do now. I embrace new technology with every step I take, still getting excited to see the smile on peoples’ faces when they see a print come out in seconds before their eyes. It’s that same magic I felt in school, and it’s my passion to help people experience that magic.